Mare Nostrum


The dust swirls around our feet like smoke as we start

up the path. Sweden and it\'s cold rain are far behind

us. Springtime is changing slowly over to summer in

the Mediterranean and the green hilsides are already

tinged with brown. A few more weeks and the summer

heat will be opressive, baking the rocks, but for now

the early morning air is fresh and sweet. We\'ve found

a small village, farther up the coast where it\'s not

so crowded but today the beach is already filling with


The old woman at the hotel has packed us som

nectarines and sliced melon and we\'re on our way to a

cave that\'s about an hours hike up the coast. It\'s

hard work. Low bushes line the stony path. It\'s

thyme and when you crush the leaves between your

fingers it smells of a Mediterranean kitchen. As we

round a point, a patch of green darker and larger than

anything else around comes into view. It\'s a tree and

when we reach it we find that it\'s guarding the mouth

of the cave, thriving on the moist air from within.

We jump down into the opening and the cool air feels

like an Arctic blast after the hike in the warm sun.

I can see your nipples through your thin, white cotton

shirt. I breathe in the moist air, wanting you. We

crouch down and go as far back as we can but the

passage rounds a corner and vanishes into blackness.

There\'s no way to go on without a flashlight so move

back to the mouth of the cave. You move towards the

opening and the light shines through your clothes. I

can see the shape of your body and it makes me want

you more.

The ledge at the opening is waist high and we stand at

look down towards the sea. There\'s a few fishing

boats out on the horizon. Far down the slope we can

see a small cove cutting in from the rocky coast with

small patch of white sand. A secret place, waiting

just for us. I pull myself out of the cave, turning

and reaching out to give you my hand. As I pull you

up you balance momentarily on the edge. My arm finds

your waist and I draw you towards me, we\'re presssed

together. I can feel your nipples, hard from the cold

air of the cave. You can feel my cock stiffen with

desire as we stand there for a moment. We smile and

move off towards our beach.

The chill of the cave vanishes quickly as we step out

into the bright sunshine again. It\'s about 100 meters

to the sea and we lose sight of our goal along the way

but after a while we\'re at the waters edge. The cove

is just off to our left and we pick our way along the

rocks, the waves gently splashing up towards us.

As we reach the small sandy beach, it\'s only 5 meters

wide and 20 long, the sound of the waves is muted,

masked by the softer gurgling of the water in our

cove. Our clothes are quickly off and you head in for

a swim as I spread out the large, white cotton blanket

on the sand. The sunlight sparkles on the water

around you as your hair fans out around your head. I

wade into the water and the sand quickly gives way to

rock, covered with sea urchins, I swim slowly out to

meet you and you smile, a diamond tiara of sunbeams

around your head. We swim and dive and play for a

while then you swim lazily back to shore.

As you rise out of the sea the water streams

shimmering from your skin. You\'re sitting eating a

slice of melon as I join you on the blanket. The fruit

is ripe and the juice runs over you lips. I lean to

kiss you, tasting the sweet melon and the salt of the

sea. This is how the ancient gods must have felt...

I take a nectarine, eating it slowly. When I\'m half

done I pull out the pit and put it away in our pack.

You\'ve finished eating and are stretched out sunning

yourself. You\'re skin is perfection, the swell of

your breasts You smile up at me, wanting me to want

you. I lean to kiss you again and you lie still, with

your arms stretched out over your head. My lips are

on your throat, gently nibbling. My fingertips move

over your body, caressing your side, tracing the curve

of your hip...

I take the last piece of nectarine and run it from

your neck down your chest, drawing a wet circle of

juice around your breast. Your nipples stiffen and

darken and you let out a small gasp. I gently kiss my

way over your body, following the trail of juice. My

mouth reaches your breast I cup it in my hand and

take your nipple ever so gently between my teeth,

pulling on it as my tongue probes and coils... The

tart juice and the sea salt taste divine... the scent

of your skin is intoxicating...

I let my hand glide over your stomach, finding it\'s

way between your legs, you part them slightly to let

me in. My finger gently traces a path around your

pussy, gently touching the lips. My mouth finds it

way to your other breast and you stretch out even

more, arching your back. I can feel that you\'re very

wet now and I slowly slip the tip of finger into you.

I pull back slightly and then slide it in deeper...

repeating this several times till it\'s all the way in

you. Then I slowly, very slowly, pull it out and

up... my finger is slick with your juices and I find

your clit... the first touch is hot and wet and feels

almost electric. You moan and arch your back even

more, pushing up to meet my hand. My fingers finds

it\'s way into you again and then back to your clit...

My hand is in you again, this time two fingers and

they find their out and up. You\'re wet and slick and

I softly roll your clit between my fingers, your hips

rolling at the same speed...

I lift my head and smile down at you, your eyes are

closed, biting your lower lip, arms still stretched

out... I take a piece of melon now, and paint a trail

of juice from your breasts and down over your stomach.

A small pool forms on your belly as I paint my way

down between your legs. my hand is still there...

moving in time with your hips. The melon juice blends

with your own.

I kiss my way over your stomach, pausing there to lap

up the juice and then continue... My mouth joins my

hand... I press my tounge firm and hard against your

clit... rolling in the same rythm. A finger finds

its way into you again, slowly pumping in and out...

after a while there\'s two... you push hard with your

hips into my face my hot breath on you, fingers in

you... You freeze and start to shudder, legs shaking

for what seems like forever. You\'ve lifted your hips

high off the blanket and now they slowly sink down


I\'m watching you as you slowly open your eyes, skin

flushed from the sun and arousal... I\'m beside you

now, in your arms... I take a bite of melon and then

kiss you and you can taste yourself along with the

fruit... the Gods smile down on us...

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